If you see the error message "Spooler SubSystem App has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience" or "Operation could not be completed. The print spooler service is not running" or "Spooler SubSystem App stopped working and was closed" this message will be of considerable use for you as here you’ll find out how to solve this problem.
Spooler SubSystem is a legal and essential component of Windows which is used to spool printer jobs. Printing is impossible if Spooler service is stopped or malfunctions. However, there are several known spyware and trojans that pretend to be legal Spooler SubSystem. They usually have the same name or one of the following names: spoolsv.exe, spoolsu.exe, spoolsv0.exe, spoolso.exe, SP00LSV.EXE (please notice that there are zeroes in this file name, not letters) and some others. Please note that legal spoolsv.exe should reside in Windows\System32 folder and should not appear in startup list.
What are the reasons of the error message "Spooler SubSystem App has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"?
Reason 1: You have virus or trojan infection.
Reason 2: Spooler service was stopped by accident or is turned to Manual or Disabled mode.
Reason 3: You installed or tried to install printer driver which contains error or incompatibility with previous printer drivers installed in your system.
Reason 4: Print job and drawing instructions files (.shd and .spl files) were corrupted by accident which caused print que lock and as result - Spooler service crash.
You can fix "Spooler SubSystem App stopped working and was closed" and similar problems manually. To completely solve "Spooler SubSystem App" problem you should:
1) Scan your system for possible trojans or spyware including spoolsv.exe, spoolsu.exe, spoolsv0.exe, spoolso.exe or SP00LSV.EXE.
2) Stop Spooler service by executing "net stop spooler" command
3) Go to system Spool and printer's Temp directories (thу exact name of folder will vary from printer to printer) and delete all files with .shd and .spl extensions.
4) Delete all registry keys that contain information about printer's Job Queue. Please refer to your printer's manual and Microsoft web site to determine exact keys which contain information about printer jobs.
5) If you are trying to add printer and receive error message when trying to install printer drivers, this is right place to try adding printer again.
6) Start Spooler service by executing "net start spooler" command.
7) Reboot.
However you can use a special program - True Sword - to remove spoolsv.exe, spoolsu.exe, spoolsv0.exe, spoolso.exe or SP00LSV.EXE virus infection. True Sword will find and eliminate this problem and more than 180 000 other dangerous threats including trojans, spyware, adware, riskware, problemware, keyloggers, dialers and other kinds of malicious programs.
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